The Tie Research

Beyond Ethereum: The Role of 3rd-Gen Blockchains in Driving Mass Adoption

By Kingsley Bowen
September 15, 2023
  1. Data Availability - With L1s, full nodes can verify they have all the necessary data to produce the next block and that all the other full nodes have received that block. 
  2. Centralizing Components - By scaling through an L1, there is no need for sequencers or provers, so the network is as decentralized as the consensus allows.
  3. Liquidity Fragmentation - Monolithic architectures already have unified liquidity within their ecosystem. App-Chain architectures currently fragment liquidity but can have a primary liquidity hub (like the Avalanche C-Chain) or, in the future, unified liquidity through a native messaging layer (e.g., Avalanche Warp Messaging or Inter-Blockchain Communication). 
  4. Securing Middleware - While monolithic and app-chain approaches rely on third-party bridging and messaging for external communication, they communicate within their ecosystems with minimal added risk. For external communication, only the funds in the bridge are at risk - not network stake. 
  5. Long Settlement Times - Many third-generation blockchains have fast settlement times, with the fastest having subsecond time-to-finality (Solana ~5 seconds, Avalanche ~1 second, Cosmos ~1-2 seconds). 

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Kingsley Bowen

Kingsley Bowen

Kingsley Bowen, Author at The Tie

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