The Tie Research

Growing Up with Kujira

By Gustavo Lobo
April 28, 2023
  • Kujira was initially launched as ORCA, a Terra-native liquidation platform focusing on liquidations on Anchor Protocol, and was rebuilt as a semi-permissioned Cosmos SDK blockchain in July 2022, six weeks after Terra’s collapse. 
  • Kujira leverages the Cosmos SDK modular architecture, along with a suite of synergetic protocols, as the foundation for creating sustainable, long-lasting financial systems. Existing governance-approved protocols include a native overcollateralized stablecoin, a P2P platform, liquidation queues, and a decentralized order book exchange, with a launchpad and a native wallet currently pending.  
  • While performance metrics are low relative to other blockchains, momentum is visible, as Kujira’s monthly growth trajectory continues to trend upwards despite adverse market conditions.   
  1. A monolithic design(wrapping transaction execution, network consensus, proof settlement, and data availability on one mainchain), or
  2. A  modular design that aims to outsource some of these functions to a separate layer. 
  • KUJI is used to pay for gas fees required to execute and store operations on the Kujira network(similar to other native blockchain tokens).
  • A percentage of all revenue streams (e.g., gas fees, dApp fees, liquidation fees) are used to reward participants in the proof-of-stake mechanism, and to prevent spam and denial-of-service attacks.
  • KUJI will also be used for governance for on-chain voting on critical matters, such as protocol upgrades and dApp proposals.
  • KUJI can be used as a liquid asset for various smart contract and monetary policy applications.
  • ORCA for democratized liquidation queues 
  • FIN as their clob dex 
  • Local for P2P transactions 
  • CALC for DCA strategies into USK 
  • 0.5% mint fee
  • 5% borrow APR
  • 1% liquidation fee
  • 0.5% ORCA withdrawal fee
  • 60% max $ATOM LTV (i.e., 67% overcollateralized)

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Gustavo Lobo

Gustavo Lobo

Gustavo Lobo, Author at The Tie

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