3 Posts

By Chí Phan / September 15, 2023

Unpacking the current state of decentralized exchanges (DEXs), advantages and disadvantages to CEXs, and exploring innovative models gaining traction in DeFi.

By Kingsley Bowen / September 07, 2022

Introduction Decentralized exchanges, or DEXs, are a fundamental building block of DeFi that facilitate the trade of cryptocurrencies without a middleman. DEXs serve as the primary medium for new cryptocurrencies to achieve price discovery, as traders swap established currencies for fledgling projects. DEXs also provide a local exchange rate between two or more cryptocurrencies.  In […]

By Sting / September 16, 2021

What is SushiSwap? SushiSwap began as a fork of the popular Ethereum based Automated Market Maker (AMM) protocol Uniswap, but quickly became an innovative cutting edge DeFi leader in the space in a short period of time. Although the path Sushi took was unconventional and by no means smooth, it set the precedent for what […]

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