
7 Posts

By Tyler Fleischer / July 17, 2024

We are excited to announce that The Tie is a founding super validator for the Canton Network. Learn more about the Canton Network and our role.

By Jake Langer / December 14, 2023

In this report, we recap the key themes and narratives that emerged from The Tie’s inaugural conference, The Bridge.

By Chí Phan / August 07, 2023

Recapping the Q3 Avalanche State of the Ecosystem call, where key leaders at Ava Labs discussed the latest developments in Q2 2023 and plans for Q3 and beyond.

By Chí Phan / January 27, 2023

Securitization brought about the centralization of equity and fixed-income assets. Real-world asset tokenization emerged as a hot topic amid the crypto bear market in 2022, an approach poised to leverage public blockchain technology to unlock growth in capital market share for alternative assets.

By Vaish Puri / July 22, 2022

At their heart, blockchains are trust machines. Evaluating trust, let alone a chain’s performance, is not a routine task. Amongst the many tools used to quickly evaluate a chain’s performance, transactions per second (TPS) stands out as the most widely recognized one. TPS is often characterized as a reflection of a chain’s throughput, when in […]

By Gustavo Lobo / July 08, 2022

Introduction: In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned the first distributed public ledger (database). This system was built upon cryptographically stored blocks of data. Each of these blocks of data secured the other, ultimately creating a network of immutable and tamper-proof databases.  The initial use-case for this distributed ledger technology was directed toward creating digital currencies. However, […]

By Gustavo Lobo / April 21, 2022

Introduction Sandclock aims to revolutionize philanthropy by creating systems that incentivize charitable donations. To do this, they must craft yield opportunities that are sustainable, scalable, and accessible to everyone.  Up until this point, users could donate directly to charitable organizations using crypto, but actual innovation beyond that was fairly limited. Sandclock draws on classic crypto-native […]

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